Friday, September 25, 2009

Running in Circles Is SO Applicable

While I have not been running for some time, I have been very, very busy. This has allowed me to maintain my weight loss as being crazy is an excellent appetite suppressant. Firstly, my little sister had twins. YAY! Two big boys with red and black hair (fraternal twins - obviously). When I have down time, I am constantly shopping for them on or the nursery section of I NEVER thought I would be visiting sites of such a nature.

Secondly, I have severely upped my hours at the ad agency and this, in combo with the shoe store, has kept me busy. So busy that by the time I get home at night, I want to go to sleep rather than study for the GRE's - - which are coming up in seven, that's right, seven weeks. Yikes! So needless to say, running has not been the top of my priorities. I will, however, need to step up my game SINCE I am still running a 5K on Oct. 17th. Oh what a tangle web we weave...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Chipmunks, Death & Presents

This morning, while opening the blinds, I watched the cat chase something in the bushes. She looked up at me as to say, "Hi! Look at what I am doing!" And then, all of a sudden, she pounced deeper into the terrain and pushed out what I thought was a bird. It ran along the wall and up towards the porch with the cat following it. I went to the back door to see if the bird got away when I saw the cat coming up the steps... with a chipmunk in her mouth. I rushed over and closed the screen door - - I really did not want another dead chipmunk in the house - - and screamed for the boyfriend. There was an emergency and I really needed him to come downstairs IMMEDIATELY. He came down, sans clothes (it gets hot here at night), and sleepily stumbled to the back door. He's like, "The cat better not be doing something cute and that's why you woke me." Just as he said that, she turned her head towards us and displayed her kill - still in her mouth. The boyfriend chuckled, "Good girl, now you're mama's going to clean it up." No way. I did it once when he was bed ridden, that was more than enough. I don't do dead things. She eventually dropped the chipmunk and the boyfriend was able to pick it up to throw it away. Poor Alvin. Afterward, we thanked the cat for her present, as the polite thing to do, and went to make the coffee. What a start to the day.

Friday, September 4, 2009

September Slump

I don't know what it is about this week but I have not wanted to go jogging. I have the time and the energy, plus the weather is perfect, but I just don't have the passion. I think it's because I've developed a new habit - - coffee and cop shows. In the past, I wake up, am thirsty, slap on some running gear, grab a couple of glasses of water, and then head out the door for a jog. Recently, however, I wake up, am thirsty, grab a couple of cups of coffee, and sit in front of the tele scanning USA for whatever cop show they're playing. Today it was Monk. Yesterday, it was Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Both are pleasing. By doing this, I end up sitting in front of the t.v. for two hours rather than working out and/or studying for the GRE's. Sometimes, I fold laundry or run the Roomba so I can feel mildly productive but the rest of the time, I just work on getting the sleep out of my eyes. Why is that bad habits are so easy to make while good ones are so tuff? If we're really created in God's image, he's one lazy SOB.