Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside

So I have been making use of my tennis shoes for more than just ankle support and there's one thing I've noticed about jogging in the cold: it hurts like a f*cking b. Every inhale in is like daggers to the lungs. Every exhale is just as bad. With the weather like this, I don't even break a sweat. It could be that I am not trying very hard... details.

I have incorporated hill running into my daily jogs which has presented an even bigger challenge. Yes, they are necessary... But they're also hard. And the hills, which are small to walk and/or drive up, seem to get bigger and steeper when running. Pack on a couple of layers and a windbreaker and I might as well be the Michelin man climbing that hill. At least my ponytail is super cute & perky.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So yeah, I was a little motivated in that last post. The truth is, I didn't started running again. I also didn't sign up for the SF marathon that just passed - - I saw my friends pictures on facebook of the people who DID run it and thought... Oh yeah, that was supposed to be me. Fail.

The good news is I did loose a ton of weight, I had to give away all my big clothes (you're welcome, sister!), and I feel super comfortable with my body. Huzzzaaaah!

The bad news... I still can't run. Add that to my list of being tone death, having the voice of a seagull, and not being able to dance, you'd think I wouldn't mind. It's just one more can't... No! I do mind! I do! I wanna be a runner! It's like the easiest way to keep in shape and I am, by every definition of the word, lazy. I am also incredibly vain. Put the two together, you have girl that wants to run...

If only my lungs and chicken drumstick legs felt the same way....