Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Homeward Bound

Right, so the training has yet to commence as my cat has been taking up my time (yeah, that's it). After six and a half weeks of being lost in the wilderness, Gabby came home last night. Man, am I glad - looking for her was such a pain in the ass. It's snowing out and the weather is so cold, it causes physical pain when the flakes hit the face. Calling for a cat for about an hour every night in weather like this blows. And so she is here; the prodigal daughter returned. Blessed is thou.

In other news, I started a new job which, on the first day, sucked, but now is delightful. The first day, I was called "intern" rather than by my name. Yeah, that's right, I am an intern with a masters and a full résumé (even without my lies about Habitat for Humanity). What can I say, I didn't vote for Bush. I digress - so I was called intern all day rather than "hot stuff," which is my legal name, causing me to sink into a deep depression that only McDonalds and a pack of cigarettes could fix. After finishing my unpaid shift, I headed straight to my source of gluttony - the corner store. Mmmm M&M McFlurrys. I'll wash you down with a side of Parliament lights. Now that's nice... Wait, why am I writing this blog again? I think it was something to do with fitness.

Anyway, the cat is home and the “job” is on track so it’s go time. Nine months until the marathon.

1 comment:

  1. Well you realize that as an intern, you don't deserve a name.
