Monday, January 19, 2009

Things That Make You Go Ew

Since the snowfall and the return of the cat, they're all I can talk about. I know it seems crazy but I'm a little obsessed right now and hey, obsession happens. Today I came home super late from work because, get this, it was snowing and low and behold, the cat had thrown up all over my guy's favorite chair. The five hundred dollar "dot" chair that he purchased when we moved here. That's right, I said my boyfriend has a polka dot chair and he gladly paid five hundred big ones for it. So I frantically hung up on my mom and tried to clean up the yucky, yucky, oh so yucky yellow goo that somehow was in three sections all over the chair and floor. Just as I cleaned a spot, I found another. And then another. And then (oh god, don't let me say it) I saw something that looked like string in the last pile of vomit. I got a little closer and no, it wasn't string, it was spaghetti. Wait, we don't have any spaghetti in the house. That's when I realized... I was holding a worm between my fingers that the cat had thrown up. EWWWWW! I put it in a little plastic baggy and called the vet who told me to come down with the cat, the spaghetti worm, and a sample of her stool. Yummy. So I did and to be honest, it was a quick fix - a couple minutes in the vet hospital for a weigh in (she's eight pounds, thanks very much) and two syringes of worm killer. When I got home, I sprayed the entire house with Lysol and washed my hands until they turned red. Then I sprayed them with Lysol for good measure. Needless to say, I didn't make it to the gym today. Tomorrow, if it's not snowing, I'll start my training.


  1. Mmmm. That was a truly uplifting story, thanks! Bet you didn't have spaghetti bolognese for dinner last night.

  2. I have to say that I am truly enjoying your witty titles. Plus, you are officially inducted into my Google Reader. Feel proud.

  3. YAY! By the way, thanks for the compliment. I took some time with the first couple of titles but then promptly ran out of creativity. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
