Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do You Love Me, Do You Surfer Girl?

Turns out I am a natural at surfing. While we were in Costa Rica, we took advantage of the location and enrolled in lessons. I was certain I would be anything but good at the sport especially since my family and I went to Hawaii and took boggie boarding lessons. I spent most of my time eating salt water, getting beat up, and listening to the instructor yell, "Don't turn your back on the ocean! Don't turn your back on the ocean!." I didn't exactly take up wind surfing, skiing, or even water skiing no matter how many times I've attempted those. Shit, I am still trying to be good at running. Yet, somehow, someway, I managed to surf fairly well. I road in standing every time I attempted to get on the board AND I managed to get up without the instructors help. I did so well, the instructor showed me a couple of extra tricks and techniques. Since finding a sport I'm good at has been a challenge, I am going to stick with it and take a couple more lessons. Yay athletic ability!

1 comment:

  1. yay for you! that sounds awesome and like so much fun :) hope you and slightly broken/on the mend rossy are enjoying costa rica!
