Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Let It Snow... And Snow. And Snow. And Jesus, More Snow?

With all the snow here, I have to wonder if there’s a song comparable to “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring” for this kind of weather. I’ve decided to write one. It goes like this: it’s snowing it’s snowing, without Rebecca really knowing. Obviously, it’s a work in progress. Meanwhile, my one pair of thick heeled, closed toe shoes are taking a beating. They’re a glorious pair of Born ankle boots with an adorable button at the top. The caramel brown is to die for but alas, the snow is making them a poop brown in parts while the salt is bleaching the heels. If anymore damage is done, I may have to part with them. Now that, my friends, is a tragedy. Could life as a suburban house girlfriend be any harder? I think not. After all, bleached heels are the ultimate sign of suffering. Take that Africa.


  1. Poor boots - you are a cruel mistress to them, Becca. But, wait, you mean it's snowing and yet, somehow, life goes on? Here in the UK a couple of inches of snow has caused utter pandemonium. Schools are closed, roads are blocked, trains and planes are cancelled, no one is at work, and the hospitals are bursting at the seams with people who've fractured various body parts by falling over in the evil white stuff. Really, it's so embarrassing.

  2. Hey, I am totally with the UK on this one. Let's all stay home and make snow angels! And then promptly go back inside.
