Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let's Get Physical

After working out three times this week, I've decided that the Self fitness DVD's are good. I work up a sweat and am always sore the next day which is odd considering I'm in a living room in front of the tele. I also quite like the Pilates and Yoga DVD's by Crunch. They're not as bad as the regular Crunch DVD's as there's less clapping and giggling after the work out. I never jumped around giving hugs and kisses to my fellow participants at the end a step aerobics class so what makes the director think the performers in the Crunch DVD should do the opposite? Plus, I never feel any effects when doing the Crunch Ab Attack or whatever. So boo on them. With all of these DVD’s, I've decided that working out at home isn't bad and can have SOME results. My shoulders have seen the most improvement. While doing the weight exercises, my shoulders burn; I never thought that my shoulders would be out of shape but they are. Ridiculously so. It makes sense to keep them in shape – they’re the hanger of the body carrying the limbs and organs. I thought my hanger was made of wood but now I am realizing it’s a dinky hanger sort of like the kind they have at Kmart. You know the ones – they snap when you pull the clothes off the rack. I don’t want my clothes pooling up on the floor like a dirty blue light special. I want my clothes nicely displayed. Hmmm... did clothes just become a euphemism for boobies? I am not sure – I’ll let you interpret that one on your own.

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