Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hot N Cold

As the weather warms up and the snow melts, I am more inclined to start running outside and make use of the gym. When snow is all over the roads, I try to drive as little as possible. The skidding around and losing control of my non-snow-tired car tries my patience. Now that there's been a regular heat wave of 40F, the snow is melting and the outdoor world is no longer dead to me. Hello birdies! Nice to see you! I am sure we'll get together real soon - as soon as the cat brings in your carcass. Yum.

I am looking forward to actually running since a) that is the purpose of this blog and b) the workout videos in the living room are OK but not my cup of tea. For one, the cat runs around my mat meowing like we're playing some sort of game and the boyfriend comes downstairs making comments about the sexy girls. Sweet, you might think, but he's not talking about me and the cat - he's talking about the girls on the tele. He asks if I'll look like that after I finish the work out video, or how someone like the girl on the left can move so quickly with weight "up top," all while eating ice cream on the couch behind me. Then there's always the classic, "She seems nice." Nice? The girl isn't talking. She's just running around in skimpy little shorts. Nice my fat ass. To his credit, he did partially do a video with me the other day. It was the only video that's made me sweat and he did it in flannels and a snowboarding shell. Half way through the workout, I gave him the weights and I don't know how he didn't spontaneously combust from the heat. All in all, I wish I had a video camera to catch these classic moves (especially when the boyfriend did the mambo) but at the very least, I'll have the memories. Wait... that's no good for blackmail...

At the end of the workout he said, "I am proud of you for doing this." That sent me straight to cloud nine - le sigh. How one man can redeem himself so quickly is amazing. This just in: I’m a sucker.

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