Sunday, March 22, 2009

French Women Don't Get Fat

In addition to all my many goals, I've decided to read all the books we own I haven't touched. At first it was going well enough but then the fella started buying more books and hasn't stopped. I can only read so quickly and he buys three to four at a time. DUDE! Seriously! Regardless, I've been trudging on and right now I am on French Women Don't Get Fat (which I shamelessly stole from my mother). It is so typically French. I can hear the cheesy accent saying, "You American women are so FAT while we French women eat everything we want and stay so skiiinnnnyyy." Then Frenchie proceeds to talk about how the book is not a diet book but steps on how to live French. She suggests writing down all consumption, measuring food, and then having nothing but leek soup for forty eight hours. Ummm.... Isn't that exactly what a crash diet is? Then there is genius advice like don't eat just pastries, don't have so much soda, and of course, the shocking bit of information, eat more vegetables. I remember when this book first came out and it was all the rage. I haven't heard much about since and that's probably because people read it. All in all, it does give some pretty good tips (like having a glass of water before going to bed and first thing in the morning because sleep is dehyrdating) but does she have to be so French about it?

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