Sunday, March 29, 2009

Let's Hear It For Accomplishments!

I've been reading many expensive books on running at the local Barnes & Nobles and I have to admit, they scare me a little. They talk about running six months before starting any real marathon training and then running hardcore for sixteen weeks before a half marathon. Ummmm.... I have five weeks. And I just started running. After having a panic attack, I realized that these runners are different than me. They are looking to do a personal best and perhaps even run the thirteen miles within an hour. I am looking to finish the half marathon. I would prefer to do it without blisters the size of my head but if blisters happen and I finish, I'll be happy. Don't get me wrong, I've gone into hardcore training mode with the running almost everyday and no junk food thing but I am not looking to become Flo-Jo. I am looking to finish. This may sound like a cop-out but it's not; I have already gained from this experience. I lost nine pounds, I put down the camel lights for good (even when I drink), and my diet improved substantially. I have one goal: finish; and it's brought me so much more. I am, however, going to get health insurance just in case this experience also brings me injuries.


  1. Ummm, you could be Flo-Jo if you started growing out your nails. Then we can paint your crazy hobo-like nails in a color to freak out everyone else running the half-marathon, so they'll like pass out from strobe-effects or something, which you will in turn be thinking oh these pansies are dropping out, and I'm still going, which will propel you to finishing at a personal best time. Brilliant. Crazy nails=Becca victoriously crossing finish line.

  2. OMG hilarious. Deal - Flo-jo nails it is.
